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Everything posted by Tadako

  1. how in the world do you know that
  2. thats all probably gonna change when they move engines because they will have more features they can add with a newer engine
  3. regardless i expect the return of FF characters
  4. i dont think that matters looking at Roxas and Ventus
  5. i could see Noctis showing up
  6. isnt Noctis' last name Caelum?
  7. this also says Sora will disappear ive heard Nomura say hes tired of Sora before
  8. ? so his shoes are still clowny?
  9. Who be Luxord Where he come from
  10. idk if you guys heard but in the background while Sora was fighting that huge heartless monster, someone was yelling “curse you perry the platypus!”
  11. hope we finally find out what happened to soras mom and his dinner
  12. who were the 3 hearts in sora ventus soras and whose?
  13. thats why i didnt play it i hope to own them all on pc eventually
  14. does anyone know whose demyx's somebody?
  15. omg Rikus keyblade is gonna be a car in Quadratum lets go
  16. there wont be 1 world in kh4 tho bro dont sweat it
  17. and riku and terra become buddy buddy
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