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Everything posted by Tadako

  1. Has anyone tried to stream KH3 on discord and had no audio coming through? like dialogue in cutscenes this also happens in Spider-man
  2. Thunder is always the top magic Unless it's a boss or 1v1 Then fire
  3. R u saying no one has these There was one with riku in a santa hat too I wish i could find these makes me sad
  4. Pretty sure kh13 made them I have one of them that i kept on as my avi on youtube
  5. Does anyone have the christmas themed KH avatar pack from years and years ago?
  6. i still havent watched the important story bits from union i know bit and pieces of it because I was playing the game when they were still releasing story but i got really burnt out on having to complete a certain amount of worlds just to get to the cutscenes that actually mattered
  7. phase 1 started slow and branched out
  8. my point is 3 closed out a chapter on the story this new chapter started up with too many cogs in the machine top that on the fact they keep delivering very important story parts through spin-off titles like the phone game and MOM
  9. there is so many moving parts in the story rn
  10. no conviction we need a break from all the convoluted writing this is a new story arc and is already starting messy af
  11. she pauses and thinks about it as if she isnt from there and it isnt the first place she would think of in that cutscene everyone there seems extremely clueless the dialogue deliverance doesnt help
  12. no you should re-watch it because she doesnt actually tell them the name of her world
  13. so Riku is in Quad now because the nameless star didnt act like she was from Quadratum
  14. that didnt help at all they dont say where riku went unless thats just bad writing
  15. can i link for anyone else that wants to watch it
  16. cant ever rely on my friends to give me proper info im not buying mom tho
  17. i thought the only piece of important info was how Kairi got from Radiant Garden to the beach
  18. need a question answered in the secret ending of remind is riku currently in Quad? Moana will just be Little Mermaid 3
  19. ff7r used 4.18 and kh3 was somewhere between 4.17.2 and 4.18 regardless it should be fine as long as its not 4.10 according to the migration guide for UE5
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