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Mys. Carrot

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Everything posted by Mys. Carrot

  1. we all grew out of square sleeves in our teenage years
  2. strelitzias gonna have to teach him how to wash dishes 😳
  3. people know what channels are for. we naturally take things to specific channels. u dont need to police that most of the time. what im suggesting is that the way u "nudge ppl to remain on topic" shuts down discussion both of the channels intended purpose and the allegedly unrelated one. again: i wouldnt mention this if i did not see it actively harming discussion time and time again
  4. i explicitly do not, which is y i suggested u reevaluate ur goals amd how u achieve them this is the stupidest reading i could imagine of what i suggested
  5. without fail, mods trying to limit these flows results in the end of discussion every time
  6. yes, but when does that ever happen?
  7. it was all related to yozora, but again: thats not nearly the first time ive seen this
  8. so only heavily engaged conversation is allowed? i sincerely dont mean to be a pain, but ive noticed many instances of a conversation flowing slightly off-topic of a specific channel and it being shut down for that, despite the fact that it remains impassioned discussion of the games we love and would soon turn back to the channels purpose
  9. im certain u dont intend to stop discussions short, which is y im suggesting u reevaluate current practices
  10. u need to reconsider ur priorities and goals with moderation. please talk it over in ur mod chat
  11. i dont think im as excited as i was when i saw sora walk across the beach, but im super excited in a different way
  12. rules are rules, and we must use them like a straitjacket
  13. no off topic jokes allowed this is serious business
  14. oop, now its how kh2 relates to kh4, better take it to a different channel!
  15. oh boy, now werre talking abt the timeline before kh4, better take it to general!
  16. discord moderator moment doesnt matter if the conversation naturally flowed here from kh4 discussion, and will flow back to that nono, u need to break up the conversation by subject
  17. respect free throught. its not that hard instead of killing conversations when theres nothing else going on
  18. and rules oedipalize particularly when theyre unimportant ones
  19. just stop caring so much abt channels its limiting of conversation and inhibits the flow of thought literally oedipalizing activity
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