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Everything posted by nickjonasxx

  1. well, techincally, they would be 1 or 2, but have the physicality of 14 and 15 year old. Namine ages, but she's a weird nobody...
  2. ok, so when are these due? I heard the 15th from someone...maybe later...
  3. Ok, I am thinking about writing a book about a guy who's life completely falls apart. Here's a quick summary of my story; Ken is a level 5, a high rank in the Imperial army, and is a legend among lower ranks. He soon recieves an apprentice, but pleads to the government to hire somebody else. You see, 7 years earlier, Ken's mentor was shot and killed. Ken made a promise to never work with another partner again. But he soon becomes friends with his apprentice, named Andrew. After being convinced by Andrew, Ken searches for clues about his mentor's death. But he not only found the hitman who did the job, but also who was behind the assaination... So, tell me what you think...
  4. Name: Ken Age: 22 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Black Hair length: Short, spiked Weapon: The Kingdom of the Sun Power: Strength, ninja-like moves Appearance: 5'10", wears a black hoodie t-shirt, with long jeans, with military boots. Short bio: Ken is a level 5 in the army (which is very high in my universe) and is desperately trying to find the man who killed his mentor, only to find out who hired the hitman... I might write a story about this...tell me what you think
  5. sorry, but you don't get to read episode 2 until you see the actual episode, which isn't until Nov. 2010...hehehehe...unless you REALLYYYY want to...
  6. Hey guys! I felt like showing this to you because I want some feedback. Its just the script, but tell me what you think!
  7. I haven't started yet cuz my mom lost the serial code to Sony Vegas, and I just got a new computer, so I gotta wait until she calls Sony, and we get aa new copy of it.
  8. Yeah I have the brace cuz I got Scoliosis. Its a pain in the butt! But luckily, u couldn't even tell I had scoliosis, so i didn't look like a cripple or anything.
  9. I'm bored. I just got brace for my spine, it it hurts! Does anyone else have a brace for their spine?
  10. Welcome to the forums! Despite my name, I'm a guy, and not that girly. So, just call me nickjonas or NJXX.
  11. I think they'll have coded, Days, and BBS, then the unknown game in development or whatever, than KHIII. Maybe a few more side stories, but no KHIV. I would rather it go out before it gets unpopular. It would be cool to see KHIV, but we gotta keep this series golden. Would you rather it go out with a bang with KHIII! Or would you have it go on for years and years, with its fan base slowly depleting, and soon people would n't dare play it again? Your choice...
  12. This video is for anyone who has been made fun of on YouTube, or anywhere else on the internet. I would subscribe to this guy. He's hilarious, and makes very good points.
  13. Sora x Kairi Riku x Xion Roxas x Namine' Roxas x Xion Riku x Namine' Sora x Namine' Axel x Larxene Ven x Aqau Terra x NO ONE!!!!
  14. You. Are. A. Genius. If you weren't a guy, I would marry you...okay, probably not. But thanks anyway! I would love to do the batles again! Maybe, to make it canon, someone (maybe King Mickey, Yen Sid, or TAV's master, since BBS is a prelude to KHIII) can create data based battles based on Sora's memory, for training or something or other.
  15. Well, I personally want it to be PS3 for 3 reasons: 1. I want to get the PS3 anyway, but I only have enough money for one new console. 2. Square Enix knows that with the disappointment of FFXIII being on the PS3 AND 360, they wouldn't dare put it on the 360. 3. Sure, the Wii controller would be fun for KH, but it would kinda ruin the uniqueness of the KH series.
  16. Sora- Logan Lerman Kairi- Demi Lovato Riku- ???????? I'm thinking the would make movies of the main games (ex.-Kh and KHII). It would be a live action film with Donald, Goofy, and other CG created. However, if you go to Agrabah, the setting would change to the cartoon style of Aladdin. As for CoM, Days and BBS, those could be a TV series. If nor that, a TV Movie.
  17. Cristopher Lee as DiZ I can't wait ot see who plays MX in BBS, maybe that guy who played Magneto in X-men
  18. Just finshed watchin Hairspray in my room the Zac Efron one, not the old one. Watched Grease a couple nights ago, and before that...Airplane! The funniest movie eva!
  19. In the 358/2 Days Ultimania, Tetsuya Nomura said that BBS would be shown at TGS 09, along with a trailer. Besides that, will there be any magazine articles on it, with some new screenshots, or at least a new interview...saying something that we don't knoe, like that recent Famitsu article. If anyone knows when it will be in Famitsu (or possiblly PTOM) or any other magazine, can u tell me?
  20. You know what I love about KH? It has emotion, feeling. Its not just another FPS or slaughter game. When a character dies you feel sad. When the heroes win, you feel like getting up and dancing. And when you know something sad will happen, you'll get anxious and wait for it to happen.
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