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Everything posted by e-no91

  1. me neither http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png *pat pat*
  2. found it in DChuich's youtube channel when i was browsing for KH Japanese cutscenes....
  3. but ... the just continued with their like nothing ever happened O_o .. that was weird .. but besides that .. I loved the ending too! D: but i like the first KH ending better~ it's pretty unexpected to me.....^^
  4. for example: "we are preparing the pizza in the swedish word for ... mikrov
  5. NOOOOO~~~!!!!! Demyx MUST come back!!! HE MUST!!!!!
  6. yeah~! demyx should have his own song!!(like Sephiroth,'cept that demyx IS singing to his own theme song~~ XD)
  7. aww..why not??? u can always order it online,like how i heard other people do.. but i can't buy things online~~~
  8. lol n did i mention that my fave Org XIII member is Demyx n he's no.9? 9=September HOHOHOHOHO XP XD
  9. i just remembered another dream i had before.. i'm fighting Captain Hook using a keyblade n he keeps tossing his fencing(sp?) swords at me n one sword hit my back n its bleeding.....(Donald's behind me,dunno why..) i tried to swing my keyblade but its soo heavy!! then Captain Hook gives me one of his swords..then...i woke up....
  10. i'm tied between Xemnas n Marluxia.. the fight with Xemnas is soo tense! it has lotsa stages n i was like 'Yay!! i win!!! ....WHAT??!!! its NOT OVER yet?!!!' n i think its much longer than fighting Ultimecia in FFVIII.. Reaction comannds makes the fight nice n i really like the part where Xemnas uses the other Org XIII members weapons(chakram,lances,etc..) The fight with Marluxia is a lot more challenging for me~ altho the final fight hv 2 stages only,its sooo HARD n i have to try soo many times to win!! Omni Circle is hard to avoid..n stupid void for scattering my cards!!! the only way i fight with him is using magic-based cards n STAY AWAY from him.... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif:)
  11. ha! its not until i replay Sora's Story(after i finish Reverse/Rebirth) that i finally found out how to use enemy cards...http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif that's what you get for not paying attention to the 'Lord of Castle Oblivion'.. nways,i haven't got all yet,but these are my favourite: -demyx(good for my magic-based deck,so i can finish of enemies faster! bsides, i like demyx so yeah~~) -marluxia(double sleight saves cards~~~^^) -roxas(power attack cards!!!!!) huhu..yours??
  12. do you know were I can find the rest of the kh2 manga ? I only found a few chapters from mangafox.com KH2 is only up to 11 Chapters(vol.2)....n it says there the manga is still ongoing...http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif
  13. idk..instead of line,how about make the word sparkles~~
  14. yay! now the next person i wanna hear coming back is Xigbar~!! "Reload!"
  15. i only have: -Kingdom Hearts -Kingdom Hearts II -Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.. -pin-up n posters from mags.. that's all...
  16. so like previous all previous KH, this one must hv a minigame too! its fun!! i heard that u need to solve puzzles n all to finish missions.. will there be minigames in 100Acre Woods too?(i hope that world is featured~~~) n mhy not something diff?like maybe a sea-salt ice-cream eating contest or a rock-out with demyx minigame or sniper contest bla bla bla....
  17. i just hope that Roxas can do his special attack like in Final Mix+ tossing 13 key-like lights n those light beams~~ that'll be sooo cool~~ btw welcome n hv fun~!!!
  18. taken? then i wonder what would kh12.com stands for??? *ponder*
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