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Everything posted by e-no91

  1. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif :) u guys ever tried poking Zexy in DA??
  2. GWAHHH!!!! A PICKLE!!!! ...and Stockholm???? lol
  3. that weird... i'm pretty sure that i came here yesterday,editted my sig and stuff but when i visit here today,it says that i last visited "1 APRIL" n my sig is back to normal.... o___O
  4. hye mikaila~!!! welcome n have fun~!! hu...i don't do AMVs... XD
  5. hye O R A N G E !!!!! welcome n have fun~!!!
  6. a hobo did trick our family once..but i can't remember anything about it...hmmm...
  7. A : has a smile to die for (: B : is a nerd at times C : can kick ur butt D : great friend E : has beautiful eyes F : wild and crazy G : HOT H : likes someone I : best boyfriend or girlfriend J : is really sweet K : gorgeous L : very good kisser M : can be funny and dumb at times N : easy to fall in love with O : has one of the best personalities ever P : popular with all types of people Q : makes people laugh R : gives good hugss S : nice butt T : very open - minded U : is loved by everyone V : very romantic and not judgmental W : not bad X : never let people tell you what to do Y : very hot Z : makes dating fun http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif
  8. exactly .. or kh .. will not be kh! ... not really ... but .. anyway! I wan't dem-dem to come back! YEAH!! or OrgXIII.....will NOT BE ORGXIII!!!!! YEAH! ... I don't want to play kh .. if org XIII isn't in it ... I would play it anyway cause I love kh ... but ... yeah .... I want org to come baaaaaack! *sob sob* OrgXIII should come back!!! Look at Zexy ^(ur sig!http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) he's happy with the OrgXIII!!!
  9. HURRAH~~~!!! *dances like the pickle*
  10. Mmmmm, I didn't know that it was translucent... I thought it was just ice cream. I think it is or else they would call it Sea Salt Popsicles, or something like that. All I know is that when i made it, it tasted sooooooo good!!! Plus i had popsicle molds so i was like, "ZOMG! just like the game" teeheee =D mybe its just me.. i had those popsicle molds too! i taught that happen coz i add too much milk..(k,i'm not good at cooking!!! )
  11. nope. idk, it could have just been a one time deal. But the three in BbS could weild Keyblade and they are suppose to relate to Sora, Riku, and Kairi, sooooo maybe she's the real deal. guess so,since Kairi have this pure heart...we'll just have to wait for them to explain about Aqua n Xion then~~~this is soo fun!!!
  12. that sounds cool..so like is KH2 really still ongoing???
  13. actually i already did that... i think i put in a bit much salt n too much milk~~~my mum said sumthing like Donald--'SALTY!!!!!...but sweet~~http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif the ice-cream that i meant is like the one they're eating,like its translucent like a popsicle....... lol ok nvm.. o.O LOL!! XD
  14. exactly .. or kh .. will not be kh! ... not really ... but .. anyway! I wan't dem-dem to come back! YEAH!! or OrgXIII.....will NOT BE ORGXIII!!!!!
  15. yeah! hmmm.....did they explain why Kairi can wield the keyblade???
  16. one more thing!!! --ur dying to try the ORIGINAL sea-salt ice-cream!!!! SQUARE should give out a recipe~!!
  17. do you have any suggestions? Ummmmmm.... Ok, let me try to remember....*thinking pose* hmmmmm...... *jumps up* I GOT IT!!!!!! Olympus Coliseum!!!!!! Only in KH 1 is where you can do a tournament an get EXP for it!! That's where I went b/c one of my BFF's told me that's where she went to level up. You're gonna want to do a tourny with a lot of rounds, but not a tone of super hard rounds or else you'll die (not good, lol.) I haven't played KH1 in forever, so that's all I can remember. yeah!! Olympus Coliseum is the best place to lvl up!!sadly,its only in KH you can do that~~ my sis is stuck at that pt too but i help her out(she got this habit of hating to fight n keep on going to get the ending the faster~~~) soo her lvl is pretty low then but of u use the right strategy n avoid well(a.k.a ump at the righ time),u still can win! tho i think KH is harder than KHII...
  18. this is sooo like me! 'then Sora gonna appear here and all....' recently i've been thinking it'll be fun if Sora Meets the Robinson~~ i'm gonna do that!!!! XD my brother did that A LOT..seriously....http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif mine-- -u play KH the whole day,skipping meals n sleep m when u sleep ur like still playing KH in your dreams..(how do you think i'll ever finish KH in 3days~~-__-) -u randomly shout out quotes from KH--'Dance,Water,Dance!,/,Scatter to Oblivion!'/'Reload!'/'...surrounded by water!!!'(yeah i did that) -when you watch random movies/TV certain scripts will remind u to words in KH n u'll keep quoting the words w/o paying attention to the movie/TV anymore.. -imaginig urself being part of KH(i always imagine myself being part of the OrgXIII n best friends with Demyx~~~) -then u'll talk to urself like you're REALLY part of KH!(yep..) -search out the internet for wallys,cheats,themes,info,fanarts,stuffs,or come out with KH things on ur own~~
  19. yep! or else it wouldn't be surprising~~~
  20. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif :) :D
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