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Everything posted by im-axel-fear-me-NOW

  1. just watched spock sing about bilbo.....O__o wants to shove cupcakes in my ears so i wont b forced to listen to it anymore.....toolate....its in my head.

  2. hehehe......snape X3

    1. Weedanort


      Snape's gonna die in July 14 or July 15th!

    2. im-axel-fear-me-NOW


      <=O .......*sobs* nooooo!!!!


      ........why is it my favorite characters always die!?!?

  3. nice job! =D and dude AWSOME song choice 8D
  4. hehe tis good to be back after almost a year ;P

  5. i wanna look like u when i grow up O____o
  6. huh...i was surprised no one had posted this yet....but...happy thanksgiving everyone!!!! =D hope u all have a good one ;P
  7. radiant garden in vens story....im stuck on the stupid boss <=(
  8. happy bbs day to u all!!!!! 8D (ew i have to wait till like....6:00 -_- ew)
  9. whaaaaat!!!??? >=O 358/2 days was released like....2 days early for me...but this is ridiculous!!!!! =O (in a good way =3)
  10. omigosh vanitas=love =3 so awsome <3 ooh lea!!!! yay!!! /shot for loving his voice//
  11. ok so....my "special friend" (kindof boyfriend...not so serious though) had been away at camp for a week and i couldnt talk to him while he was away. so that whole week i was really really really missing him (plus a lot of stuff happened...which is why i havent really been on that much). and he came back today, so i was really excited to talk to him. but when we did talk, he said that since we arent actually 'boyfriend girlfriend'(but believe me were pretty close to it) we shouldnt be holding hands or putting hearts and whatever. and i was really disappointed. then i saw a thing on his facebook wall that said that he "loved" somebody else and there was a pic of him sitting with another girl. so i started freaking out and my friend asked him if he liked someone else. then to put a long story short turns out i overreacted and he doesnt...but...i feel so stupid DX i mean i overreacted and freaked out and...now i dont really know how im gonna act cuz im afraid that he thinks that ill take things to seriously if he talks to another girl....and....i just dont really know what to do...? idk...i just had to let it out somewhere...sorry to all those reading
  12. ah ha ha addicting isnt it??? its like random dn characters standing there in full metal panic and then suddenly L rides by on a bicycle....in a barber shop.
  13. hahaha so i found this on yt...and...ive watched it like fifty billion times XDD person: *walks* L: *riding bike* wheeeeee! =3 6J25FXcJ7LU
  14. Etsumi summoned ice wind, freezing everything within 20 feet of her. She laughed. "Now the forest's shiny!!!!!" Then she frowned. She turned her head as she heard a boom. She ran towards it.
  15. Suddenly L choked on his cake like misa said that he would. (idk :| hahaha yay rp post fail XDD)
  16. (yaaay ice =3 shnazzy aw i sowwy <=( ) Etsumi made it into the forest. She stopped and looked around at her surroundings, nodding and grinning as she did. "This looks about good...." She grinned again. Then suddenly she felt an odd sensation go through her body, running through her, almost seeming to overtake her. Her eyes went wide and she looked at her hand, where the feeling seemed to originate. She saw a strange symbol. She stared at it for a bit. Then she grinned again. "....This is gonna be fun."
  17. (geez im so sorry for starting late....i didnt get to get on the compy last night =() Etsumi walked slowly out of the city as darkness fell. Then paused for a minute and looked back. She sighed. "Maybe I'll be back...but when I am, I promise that this darkness will be gone." She grinned and gave a firm nod to no one in particular. Then, breaking into a sprint, she took off towards the forest.
  18. Name: Etsumi Gender: Female Age: 13 Personality: She is a very energetic person, though very introverted when it comes to her feelings or her past. She is also very shy around new people, preferring to go off by herself if given the choice. Though ever since the darkness took over, she has tried to rely on people more, so that she can one day rid the world of darkness....forever. Appearance: Bio: At the age of 5, Etsumi lost her parents to a fire. She had no where to go. Her grandparents were dead and her last relative was an alcaholic uncle who didn't care about anything. So she lived on the streets, picking up food wherever she could find it or occasionally applying for a job wherever they would take her. Etsumi also made friends with the "lower class" citizens, or people from the "underworld". She continues to live on the streets, though the darkness is spreading faster and faster...
  19. L glanced over at Misa. Then he continued to eat his cake. "What is she my mother....?"
  20. L just continued to wolf down the cake. *nomnomnom =3*
  21. L grabbed the cake and crouched on the floor. Then, propping the cake on his knees, took a big bite.
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