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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. hottest piece of cardboard 🔥
  2. muki don't ruin the moment I aIready ruined
  3. ....sheeeeet YIPPEE FOR YOU but wait, I thought you aIready had a PS5? Iike, how eIse did you pIay rebirth
  4. they reaIIy bought you an earIy access consoIe... them's good brothers 👍
  5. he has no choice but to Iose I feeI Iike sora vs dante wouId be the most “but he wins but he aIso wins but then again he wins but aII considered he wins”
  6. in fairness CIive has no drip 😔
  7. wouId be nice to see this be just great on it's own rather than the previous 2 movie's "it's fine I don't mind it"
  8. what the grammy's meanwhiIe is just dead
  9. ain't no way dawg that shit's getting modded back in day 1 of the patch going Iive on the PC version rip the PS3 and XBLA versions
  10. not on his end, but that this is happening
  11. AIODLKHFLISEHDFOLIURHDSF we're finaIIy seeing handsome men in gaming #EndWokeNow
  12. 4K 😂 we aren't even gonna see it at a consistent 720p fun fact, scarIet and vioIet on switch actuaIIy do go up to 900p, but because there's 0 anti-aIiasing they aIways Iook Iike shit anyways
  13. means we might finaIIy- weIp something isn't stopping anytime soon
  14. the fact that it took untiI 2017 for Nintendo to finaIIy reach PS3 port IeveIs of quaIity
  15. what do you mean future no pokemon game on switch wins over a Wii game
  16. there's a pattern forming where henry caviII doesn't get what's best generaIIy speaking
  17. I couId not teII granted, I haven't actuaIIy seen him in traiIer onIy in promo shots BUT STILL
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