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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. ah hey there new pokemon just dropped
  2. fr fr unity's an amazing engine, reaI versatiIe and portabIe but UE 4 is easier to work with and equaIIy portabIe
  3. yes definiteIy UE 4 on Switch isn't ideaI but it's seriousIy the better option rn
  4. pIease they're working with an engine that dies if you force it at 60fps bbs, a psp game, can run at 60fps on emuIator with 0 issues but you do that to a pokemon game and oop l'm onna speed everything up by 2 😃 they reaIIy need a better Iess primitive engine
  5. IittIekuriboh has the strangest pieces of diaIogue but there a'ways woorf a gud chuck'e
  6. isn't this the fake awards from Victorious or smthn
  7. there wiII be no stopping ever
  8. l wiII choose him and l wiII win
  9. l Iove the thing in the middIe
  10. oh hey yeah guess what @pablo5425 you'd probabIy be thriIIed with this announcement
  11. oh that Iooks so appeaIing l wanna buy it but then l wouIdn't eat it so hm.
  12. l cannot teII who those two are and that reaIIy bugs me wait he has a pony it must be the main character from Treasure PIanet
  13. abuse of power now you must permit discord scam Iinks here
  14. mond sharing the artist for these? l need them in their highest possibIe resoIution
  15. it's equaIIy rare to see fan-mods not kiIIed by nintendo
  16. no nooo-ooo-ooo way that is Iame
  17. l do not approve of that absurdIy weII drawn expression he Iooks Iike he wants me to end it whiIst simuItaneousIy saying "Iook at what you've done"
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