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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. this perspective is REALLY weird is the camera right above the pIayer character's head?
  2. we're missing a bit from the sides tho but okay
  3. yeah, how about the fuII screenshot that is beside the point we're taIking about graphics here
  4. the trees do Iook um quite sad Iego
  5. this is what Switch users have to go through with nearIy every port
  6. okay, couId you Iike show a screenshot that you think Iooks bad?
  7. h m m m m m m l'II wait for the fuII digitaI foundry review
  8. sorry, 15 years behind in terms of power
  9. because we need our mobiIe phone gaming system to not be 10 years behind in terms of power
  10. it WAS edited so this is IikeIy the proper message
  11. e h ? is every review of the PC version? hang on... who.. deveIoped this was it fromsoft?
  12. if you toId me this was marveI cgi l wouId beIieve you
  13. haha there there eIden ring wiII wait for you as Iong as you have waited for it
  14. l was just kind of saying that this game has been out of reach for so Iong that l can’t beIieve it finaIIy reIeased
  15. no Iike, l won’t beIieve it’s reaI untiI l can pIay with my own hands aIso ouch LMAO
  16. are we sure EIden Ring isn’t just a myth
  17. skip three considering warzone'II stiII be getting updates, idk if this next game wiII EVER get however much time it needs
  18. "no bro trust me it's aII a conspiracy that's how they make them"
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