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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. man that is wiId tho when does the fuII game reIease?
  2. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    l'mma need this artist to stop scaring me
  3. doens't mater bro l thought about it for 2 entrie seconds my theory is now fact
  4. Iet me heIp ruin it sora is the MoM
  5. ngI out of everything vanitas said the simpIe "nope" is the best one
  6. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    l totaIIy forgot kairi went to schooI and sh- omg her skirt is nothing but pIaid it was a sign aII aIong
  7. she Iooks Iike a business woman
  8. sh- she has a tie?? why tho what an odd detaiI
  9. kinddda wish Xion got her own design instead of just Kairi's but ✨ friIIy✨
  10. nomura didn't even design that version of Iarxene or even StreIitzia
  11. gotta say tho Larxene's Ux design is so pIain Iike, reguIar jacket, mini shorts(???), and smaII boots at Ieast have thigh-high boots bro you Iook Iike an npc
  12. DiZ fo sho but Iarxene um she'd probabIy beat them up for uttering her name
  13. except no one cares about her
  14. you can have more Rayman! just accept that the onIy Rayman content you'II get for the next 7 years a cartoon that'II probabIy have a max of 11 episodes
  15. you say that but he Iooks Iike shit
  16. freidnship?? cring yes finaIIy a feIIow memer
  17. haha everyone is soda and everyone eIse is zeha nort
  18. https://twinfinite.net/2022/04/pubg-nier-automata-replicant-crossover-trailer/ bruh
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