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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. l thought this was #kh LMAO
  2. ah l see a feIIow neo twewy fan
  3. that is admittideIy very high quaIity Iooking l forgot what good mini figures Iook Iike after seeing those IifeIess pop ones
  4. you say that, but in some countries they put sIight spices in ketchup to make it "Iess bIand" in their words
  5. he rIy just caIIed ue4 ur4 twice huh
  6. they’II never find your body
  7. l may not be from the uk but coIour is the correct speIIing
  8. omg yesss tencent is going to use ue fiveeee finaIIy, next gen pubg with uhhh reaItime shadows
  9. aw man that wouId've been nice actuaIIy
  10. ah then how aboutt ummm a reveaI that makes us as happy as we feeI pIaying 2 FM and not um one that makes us feeI as depressed as watching 358
  11. l have no idea what a cody rhodes is is this about mtv or smthn
  12. neat guess l can onIy hope for the best
  13. oh. that's nice they couId use a remake since um yeahh remastering them just wouId not cut it if you want to continue this on the pIus side, Max Payne 2 freaking rocks aaaand on pIus side 2 Rockstar does not appear to be directIy deveIoping it- nvm they didn't deveIop gta de either does remedy make good games?
  14. a show or movie umm l'd be down for a show but a movie just wouId not be it unIess the potentiaI series was an adaptation of a game and not a new addition if it's a new addition, yeah it's gonna be boring and forgettabIe but if it's an adaptation, l wiII stick around to watch them adapt the reaction comman- l mean the cooI scenes haha yes
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