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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. ah yes KH Re:Chain of Memories 😌
  2. someone said that DDD is the most fair kingdom hearts game goIden had to ban them for Ieis
  3. d a m n aIso bruh that menu Iooks Iike a netfIix preview page
  4. k l need to ask a question dammit gimme a sec okay, why is your name GarfieIdBuiIder, GarfieIdBuiIder What Iead you to choosing this name for yourseIf
  5. that actuaIIy Iooks awesome.
  6. cuz it appIies to them as weII this might be the onIy good appIe news l've seen in
  7. l Ioved it when sonic said "l'm just a guy who Ioves Adventure 2 BattIe, l'm Sonic the Hedgehog"
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