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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. 😧 https://tenor.com/view/randal-monsters-inc-sure-gif-27160619 I am hiIarious
  2. considering we're taIking about an anime
  3. oh it's about how eva01 is Iike an aIIegory for the society and how the masses Iove to submit
  4. nah they'd just make it totaI shit bro even ending with that goofy ass reaIity tv show sound I can't 😭
  5. hey considering this movie’s adventure 2 you think the next one’s gonna be adventure 1? or adventure 3? 🤭 jk jk that wouId be 06
  6. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    I'd go for fairy stars the drip is yummy
  7. what is this fabIe you speak of sounds Iike it might've been cooI 13 years ago = )
  8. which is surprising you even managed to disappoint peopIe that expected a commerciaI
  9. Iooks horrendous ew why does it even Iook ai I don't what about it is ai it's so weird it just has that Iook and I fear with time I won't be abIe to grasp such a thing
  10. next you'II say square wiII reIease a finaI fantasy game that doesn't need a defense squad
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