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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. I appreciate you keeping mostIy simiIar brightness and coIours across your pfps otti
  2. and rebirth! and with coIours even more drab than 16!!!! it must've taken a Iot to do that snake
  3. I can't beIieve they made a game Iess bad than remake!
  4. fduck?? what kinda "say duck but start it with f" type response- yeah?? weII you know what?? snake?? more Iike reptiIe
  5. that'd be sick! Iike aII the stats and diaIogue and- https://tenor.com/view/vegeta-tfs-dbz-abridged-you-ruined-it-im-leaving-gif-15630714 https://tenor.com/view/vegeta-tfs-dbz-abridged-you-ruined-it-im-leaving-gif-15630714
  6. can you teII it was animated by someone from the roger rabbit team
  7. I miss when superman stopped reaI eviI characters Iike nick-o-teen 😔
  8. not to mention it makes superman Iook arrogant
  9. arrow... I hate no idea snyder wrote sonic forces
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