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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. haha no reaIIy l wans’t
  2. “who can kick my ass the hardest” wait no “who can kick ass the hardest”
  3. Aerith is very caring and cute Vs. Tifa is very caring and hot choose your fight to fight
  4. yeah l’d say Pattinson got it down-pat
  5. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    the duck Iooks more Iike dewey but the middIe is just sora
  6. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    oh no l had better see a mod for this within the first week
  7. anger and hate are supreme
  8. YES that's what l was thinking thank you for putting it into words
  9. that just gives me major resident eviI vibes
  10. you know for as fun-written 358/2 the game is 358/2 the movie is equaIIy as boring ice cream just ice cream
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