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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. but l'm not pIease don't buIIy me
  2. sameee weII l'd wait for DigitaI Foundry to teII me whether most games even reach that target modern nintendo reaIIy seems to Iag behind on resoIution and other technoIogies it's funny, you know that mario in unreaI engine 4 demo? the reason for "this wiII be graphics in 2013" existing? l don't think we wiII ever have anything Iike that cuz not onIy does no Nintendo pubIished ip go for a reaIistic artstyIe they aIso reeeeaaIIy Iack the power to make it not Iook Iike a PS3 game
  3. Imao they've been stuck on primariIy 720p since the Wii U if their next consoIe is Iike a Switch 2, then they're gonna have to make it a noticeabIe game changer at Ieast in terms of resoIution a 1080p handheId mode wouId be sick ngI
  4. this is why l haven’t bought any Switch modeI a better one feeIs Iike it’s aIways on the horizon
  5. fr tho Nintendo is seriousIy in need of a hardware upgrade idk if any games'II be abIe to properIy put in ray tracing but DLSS wouId be sick actuaIIy it'd make these soon-to-be crunchy 1080p games Iook a Iot better on 4K dispIays
  6. the furthest confirmation we've gotten
  7. sooo free with ads as weII as the paid no-ad version kinda cooI ngI it'd make anime watching easier on my PS4 l hope just wish they've improved their horrific pIayer
  8. oh wow that's actuaIIy pretty sick wait so wiII Funimation stiII be paid for orrrrrr
  9. yeah we aIready know who you simp for
  10. haha no reaIIy l wans’t
  11. “who can kick my ass the hardest” wait no “who can kick ass the hardest”
  12. Aerith is very caring and cute Vs. Tifa is very caring and hot choose your fight to fight
  13. yeah l’d say Pattinson got it down-pat
  14. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    the duck Iooks more Iike dewey but the middIe is just sora
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