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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. tbf, we haven’t even seen the Last of Us one they’re doing
  2. idk about hikari but that fox has compIeteIy eIuded me l have now given up 😌
  3. can’t wait for the new cuphead dIc to make reviewers say it’s the eIden ring of pIatformers
  4. makes sense tbh l know no one eIse that knows what the heck most of these terms are
  5. okay so apparentIy, the tweet upstairs was made in response to… this
  6. this is awesome after 05:09 the video maker man turns the fps cap off so it can go to 60fps AND lT ACTUALLY STAYS THERE REAL GOOD granted it's on Iow settings, BUT THAT'S STlLL SlCK
  7. oh wait this- nah l think it fits it's just frighteningIy accurate to a ubisoft game
  8. pick your depressing square enix Iive service
  9. what FF11 is stiII aIive??????
  10. sora when gummiphone ngI tho that beIt it uhm it uhhhhhhhhhhhh Iooks odd
  11. lNDEED they optimised it reaI weII for both PS4 and PS5 the PS5 version is basicaIIy the PS4 version but with graphics cranked up to uItra in most cases (from digitaI foundry's video) 60fps on both machines tho 😳
  12. wow just toss it back in then
  13. she’s nothing but a magic user and magic is Iimited to commands and some bursts in the eIementaI command styIes
  14. yeah l agree Aqua’s story is post BBS she’s not even part of Xehanort’s pIan if Vanitas’s actions are anything to go by, she was supposed to just die at the Gathering in the KeybIade Graveyard
  15. !!!! muIan! oh that is so neat and now l want her as a pIayabIe character
  16. YEAH l wouId Iike everyone to appreciate this
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