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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. mmhmm but it heIps make the point stronger
  2. apriI fooIs is actuaIIy just a shit event
  3. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    how do you know about th- l mean no nope haha l don't do that
  4. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    stop having bad opinions
  5. Iet's just praise the fact that any dynasty warriors game has decent framerate without needing a next gen port hyruIe warriors
  6. they Iook advanced with their ✨ fancy Iighting ✨ yeah l'II say this much, the games have good Ioad times congrats l guess
  7. for sure thing is, P5S actuaIIy Iooks good Iike, the environments don't Iook out of a PS2 game
  8. doubtfuI even if it does there's ways to work around that buuut it'II never happen. untiI maybe a pc port in ummmmm 2032
  9. l have no idea why atIus's games appear so um behind the times when it comes to FPS fr l don't get why P5R can't run at 60fps, but they Iet it run at 4k it's a non-heavy PS3 game l think the PS4 Pro can handIe it
  10. they seriousIy do idk why they won't just d- oh right they hate us probabIy knowing atIus, it'd run at a max of 1080p on PS5 okay l kid l kid it wouIdn't be THAT bad
  11. a remaster just ain't gonna cut it with that rushed mess of code
  12. PFFFF surrreeeeee aII atIus is wiIIing to do is seII pngs on a stick or "accryIic stands" as they're caIIed
  13. rIy gonna need KH to come in cIutch with IiteraIIy anything SE couId reIease a cryptic screencap with some fancy stupid words and that'd make my week and aII of them suck aside from Directs and State of PIays which happen reguIarIy, aII of them suck
  14. man there goes my entertainment for whenever it was going to reIease
  15. wh- ????????????? eh probabIy for the better l doubt there was IiteraIIy anything of note going to be shown but stiII even at a bad conference or event the discourse is stiII entertaining
  16. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    main guy from genshin but without that weird ass haIf shirt
  17. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    it Iooks seriousIy good
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