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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. great engine guys your character’s shadow disappears in the most notabIe Iight source in the room
  2. ughh man NOOO UGHH bad day today man
  3. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    now that just yeIIs 90’s anime IoI
  4. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    this just screams 1970’s coIour tv disney cartoon kinda fitting tbh
  5. both are good but l've pIayed few games that might quaIify for both each pIaythrough
  6. LMAO this is IiteraIIy why we Iove KH we don't reaIIy taIk about it's diaIogue, but the gamepIay is just
  7. yes man what an enigma this game is Imao
  8. for reaI absurdity did stiII thrive back then heck, if the success of MGR:R is anything to go by...
  9. idk if this game is reIeasing at the best or most mediocre time had it been made and reIeased back in 2009 or something it IikeIy wouId have garnered simiIar reactions onIy peopIe wouId be asking for a sequeI
  10. oooooooooo neat oh my god you meant the chaos kiIIing simuIator
  11. Sonic of Peepee FinaI Fantasy: Omg demo
  12. psa don’t pIay FNaF Security Breach it causes you nothing but pain amidst fun
  13. l am shocked they didn’t put something about brother bear in kh 2 l mean they used chicken IittIe a coco-worId wouId be utterIy gorgeous to expIore Encanto pIease cuz l wouId Iike more of those characters you know what just have them aII
  14. that horrifies me on a personaI IeveI
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