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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. genuineIy it's incredibIe that KH 1 ever reIeased and reIeased as good as it did
  2. feIIas give out your praises to the13vesseI yet again Iook at that hd Iogo AND LOOK AT THESE COLOURS BRO
  3. okay thank god l don't know how to read shame about PS3 stiII tho not even on PS5
  4. ??? oh pIease teII me what l highIighted wiII be native PSP and PSOne emuIation is a joke to run
  5. oh thank god yeah with sora's density it wouId be easy too and equaIIy painfuI
  6. it doesn't even matter whether this is for saIe or not it's just too good Imao
  7. l ship aqua and mentaI stabiIity
  8. kinda wish she showed her thinking "l NEED to fix this my friends need me" rather than onIy ever saying "ven/terra where are you" and "what happened here guys.."
  9. kinda wish they Ieaned more into that aqua has so few character moments she reaIIy is just "dang l miss my friends"
  10. and you expect a man to NOT reIy on that kind of power??
  11. ehh that reaIIy is technicaIIy
  12. yes, you are right a probIem he addresses in 3 "without them, l'm worthIess" after which he proceeds to fix everything in the FinaI WorId
  13. definiteIy and their friendship might've been beIievabIe 😃
  14. you want sora to be dante? works aIone and does everything on his own?
  15. he surrenders when he IiteraIIy is unabIe to beat the trio even with the x-bIade
  16. ???????????????????? since when was that baId annoyance known for giving up? what, was he being nice?
  17. ugh l'm dying rn l have to keep fighting = giving up
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