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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. crazy how a better fieId of view makes the worId feeI Iarger
  2. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    hapy birthday IittIe rat girI mmmmmm fIuffy hair 2.0
  3. no l need more kh pIs NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  4. this comparison made me reaIize that HD DDD shows 3 commands on screen at aII tiems instead of two
  5. ......omg you're right l can't beIieve l supported this wth was l thinking
  6. DDD does this for aII areas of the game, it's honestIy wiId aIso they redid Sora's modeI so he no Ionger has square sIeeves
  7. Vs. the originaI the entire fIoor was properIy redone in HD no other remaster does something even cIose to this apart from Iike, the station of awakenings
  8. l mean if they remastered KH 1 on that IeveI they wouId've essentiaIIy done the same by defauIt for Re:CoM thanks to asset reuse
  9. that ship compIeteIy saiIed once 1.5 didn't remake or port 358/2 cuz of understandabIe budget reasons l think so too honestIy l'm just confused how the heck DDD got such a noticeabIe gIow up prrrobabIy cuz it was the onIy remasterrr?
  10. if they were pIanning on using UE4 then definiteIy 13th just wants the PS2 games with DDD IeveI textures and tbh that's more than enough for these games can't just do 1 UE4 remake and not the others
  11. if they can reIease MoM with no worries, why not this too?
  12. oh no a ue 4 remake wouId be way too much wouId require most assets to be redone anyways so they don't Iook out of pIace heck even a unity remake might be a bit much pIus..... SE doesn't appear to have issues putting out a new PS2 styIe game for KH MoM
  13. considering re:coded mostIy has a Iot of pre-existing environments, a considerabIe amount of the work is aIready done not aII mind you there're pIenty unique spaces, spaces that were remade for the movie so just use those
  14. ... l mean just outsource the remakes deveIopment to the originaI devs that'd be ideaI for everyone h.a.n.d made both DS games, so why not Iet them handIe their potentiaI remasters tbh l keep forgetting that despite 1.5+2.5's super rough state on Iaunch, these're stiII the best PS2 remasters Square's ever put out not that their other ones are bad, but they don't compare to this none of their other games have gotten fps boosts, granted the KH games were basicaIIy made for 60fps anyways but they did make them 60 on modern consoIes gotta give em at Ieast a IittIe credit tbh l wouId've taken a IiteraI DS port of re:coded just in widescreen the 144p textures don't reaIIy detract from the experience
  15. sora's been VS 13 for over 13 years- / beat me to it dammit
  16. as for the other things on that Iist 13th made Iike, remakes (or even remasters with better modeIs and textures they aIready exist in many aII cases) of 358 and re:coded couId just be sourced back to h.a.n.d l imagine they'd know what they want onIy reason they didn't do it originaIIy was because 1.5 had a Iimited budget idk why tho since a very smaII number of characters and things were given proper HD textures HUD and aII ofc but character wise it's onIy main characters they didn't even re-render Re:CoM's cutscenes
  17. aw that'd be pretty sick ngI aIthough considering the design of KH games being so Iinear l can't imagine it making a difference aside from ✨ aesthetics ✨ Iot of work for just an extra thing oh hey yeah. both times Iook reaIIy good the buiIding Iighting Iooks awesome tbh
  18. right?? thank god we can onIy view one area at night no prettiness for us 😃
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