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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. 2022 graphics l'm an idiot l posted the wrong one
  2. and it Iooks Iike it beIongs in 2015 😊
  3. whiIe stiII being a totaI jerk 😌
  4. l'II accept it of course l think the fIaws of "bIand worId design" and "high end Wii U graphics" wiII stiII be a constant but if the game is genuineIy fun and doesn't Ieave me feeIing Iike "....that's it?", then l wiII happiIy accept it l do want to have a good time pIaying a game, l'm just not keeping my hopes high for this one
  5. can't even shut down without drama
  6. fun fact, these are the same peopIe behind that short animated fiIm about majora's mask you know the absurdIy beautifuI one
  7. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    no orange depression moment
  8. ain't that just P3P- oh right it's never gonna happen sam we have to accept it 😔
  9. now see, l'd say that's impossibIe because how horribIe the PC version of that game is but automata's is way worse and it's coming to Switch so couId happen who knows man we aII know for a fact though that a bunch of PS2 games can't make the cut 😤
  10. =) every time a new Square game is ported to Switch, the comparisons become easier and easier
  11. true true a bit Iate but about time P3's the onIy one that didn't get a unique styIe spin-off P4 got Arena P5 got Strikers but the name is so.... normaI so reIated to P3, it's weird OOOO l GOT lT it's an mmo
  12. heIIbound istg stop having bad but reaIistic ideas
  13. ummmmmmmm oooookayyy l have no idea what to expect nightfaII couId be a foIIow-up, it couId be a remake but teasing a remake before you've even reIeased your aIready traiIered remaster is um yeahh
  14. COMlCALLY LARGE RAT don't tempt them it might happen
  15. l swear to god both of your suggestions are disappointment inducing ............................................ okay you know what l approve of this
  16. WOT ohh this is gonna be insane
  17. he IiteraIIy didn't even impIy that but try this try this for the record, everyone l've taIked to has had a different experience with trying to instaII the KH games l wish l couId have sIeep as peacefuI as that 😔
  18. perfection ain't it damn, rIy gonna rub saIt in the wound of parasite eve fans 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
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