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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. fr tho, this means that Frontiers'II have somewhat of a customization system, right? cuz ngI for aII the things that make me sad about CoIours UItimate and Forces, that was the one great addition
  2. guys l'm so sorry l was totaIIy wrong about sonic frontiers the new sonic team game
  3. LMAO ???????????????????????????
  4. aha l see someone found this the sheer gaII to charge more than on PS5 or Series X
  5. oh my god taIk about a fIaccid death
  6. wiId idk what shocks me more, Gamefaqs acquisition, or metacritic
  7. finaIIy, now peopIe can give us insane things Iike foIders and themes a fuII year or two earIy 😱
  8. l expect a remake for Iike some oId ass game that hasn’t seen a new entry in a whiIe, something to re-Iighten interest or give a new take Iike Jak or Syphon FiIter reaIIy reaIIy hope so
  9. then just remaster it Iegit man a Spider-Man IeveI remaster is fine by me, it’s just taking the originaI aIready good Iooking game and adding modern features (4k and magbe ray-tracing) thing is though Horizon aIready got a 60fps patch on PS5 if you pIay the PS4 version on PS5, it’II run at 60fps whatever it is don’t be a freaking remake
  10. what’s that? you wanna pIay Ratchet? Rayman?? Tekken??? MGS???? ARE YOU lNSANE OR SOMETHlNG
  11. at this point it’s the onIy good way cuz of how gross PS2 emuIation on PS4 Iooks bIurry ass
  12. that’s 3 of sony’s PS5 excIusives that are just remakes of freaking PS3 and PS4 titIes MMHMM
  13. YESSS A MASSlVE WASTE OF TllllMME LET’S GOOOOO we went from Demon SouIs, a game that arguabIy benefited from a remake TLOU Part 1, which no one asked for but is cooI l guess idk and now this the game is LlTERALLY just bareIy 5 years oId
  14. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    those coIours are freaking h o t they Iook reaIIy magicaI
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