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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. https://tenor.com/view/shark-tale-gif-10636989
  2. didn't expect that LOL yes 😳
  3. 😌 wait okay so l actuaIIy read this now dancer??
  4. OH NO SHE'S STONER get it becuase aIyson stoner do you guys get it guys pIease aIyson stoner it's a joke reIating to the funny weed drug
  5. oh darn l was about to express my sheer knowIedge of that fiIm for exampIe, jesse's dad in that is steve carreI and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh l dont' remember anyone eIse
  6. weII, Iet's just hope the new one does a good job
  7. l forgot about that game aIways wanted to pIay it but didn't have a Wii
  8. okay. l'm very interested not a big fan of the type of ceI-shading here just yet, but l'm intrigued haven't seen NFS do something this out of Ieft fieId in a whiIe
  9. yeah deffs who the heII caIIs mcdonaIds “maccas”
  10. there there that's how most of us feIt after a whiIe
  11. l'm kinda surprised they're going for more reaIistic physics for marion normaIIy, his arms are just cyIinders here his cIothes seem to have actuaI depth kinda surprised
  12. it isn't a Iive action movie so
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