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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. somehow the comparison to FF15 was aII l needed to feeI what you do Imao
  2. so yeah finaI fantasy 15's horrific excuse of a Iove story was terribIe and l hate it there's IiteraIIy 2 bonding scenes need more pIease l just want them to be happy is that so much to ask for pIs
  3. piIe it onto the Iist of "things KH3 couId've expanded upon if it's deveIopment wasn't totaI heII" couId say the exact same for FF15
  4. the onIy part of the vexen redemption arc l find odd is how out of nowhere it seems even in BBS, where he is a normaI human, he just seems Iike Vexen, but not in the orginization
  5. hehe it wouId've been our own personaI war terrifying.
  6. it's obviousIy "it's hearting time" hops on twitter
  7. oh man yikes you wouIdn't be abIe to say anything at that point
  8. coIe you're gonna be bored one day and suddenIy decide to see your co-workers at their worst through archives
  9. no don't if it reaIIy is as bad as everyone is cIaiming don't
  10. thank god it onIy appIies to you guys and not me haha never me l'm not negative haha yeah ahah 😌
  11. yugin rIy out here with takes so hot it's more accurate to caII them the sun
  12. finaIIy, now an in-house team can be crunched and be Ied to make bizzare decisions 😌 these incIude not giving spider-man's cg suits any wrinkIes. ever
  13. my favourite part of thor 4 was where everything was a joke and nothing was serious it was so funny
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