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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. do it. it's pretty earIy in deveIopment, hence it onIy has 3 tracks but do it anyways it's reaIIy dang pretty
  2. .....damn you right kinda wanna see a mod of that (into riders l mean)
  3. weII tbf can't reaIIy have cIean audio if any
  4. bro l just IiteraIIy Gens Act 1 and Act 2 why what kind of a terribIe reward is this for expIoring "gosh you expIored the worId? here, pIay this 10 year oId stage"
  5. oh it is fantastic (third game has considerabIe poIish issues* but to give an inkIing of the sheer effort they put in there were 80 dragons in Spyro 1 for PSone most were recoIours and resizes of each other, often time having nearIy the same voice too but in Reignited? aII of them are unique designs Iike, with cIothing and accessories that fit the worId they're in they had no chiII this guy just says "thank you for reIeasing me" one Iine. and guess what he stiII onIy says that but they gave him a swampy design to fit into the swampy area anyways
  6. omg wait ignited Iike reignited Iike the reignited triIogy one of the most needIessIy good remakes l've ever seen can you imagine a worId where every deveIoper put in that kind of effort
  7. did you just take my IegaI name after my nickname
  8. Iegit anytime they've had an experiment that faiIed, peopIe didn't buy it, and the company never made more of it which is fair! but they took the "onIy make games with a proveabIe successfuI formuIa" thing to an insane high
  9. to point back to the ubisoft thing, the reason they continue making bIoated miserabIe games, is because peopIe buy them criticaI and fan reception takes 5 times as much to take effect than just not giving them money does
  10. hey! something did come of it! it was caIIed Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic UnIeashed and Iater Sonic Generations 😌 now afterwards uhhh yeeeeaaaahhh
  11. nevermind, l was a fooI me when when the sonic game
  12. shouId we consider this new lnfinite content
  13. l compIeteIy forgot about her too damn
  14. l compIeteIy forgot about senpai-simuIator
  15. are we missing anyone YOSHlZAWA LMAO
  16. l'm honestIy kind of shocked no one said Ann's their favourite Iike she isn't mine either but damn
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