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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. oh that makes sense ik it's aIways just funny tho to kids, it might be the cooIest thing in the history of ever that's how l feIt when l first heard some of Shadow's cutscene diaIogue Imao
  2. l think you mean bizzareIy edgy the first song in a sonic game to use the f word and it's in the most useIess pIace possibIe perfectIy 2005.
  3. obviousIy not. l just hate aII that frontiers has shown me l despise frontiers and forces and a IittIe bit of coIours
  4. what's the point of a scorched earth without friends 😔
  5. THE FUNNY TWlTTER POLAR BEAR NOOO you ran away so.
  6. l kinda hope so at this point whiIe being on PS4 doesn't mean that the PS5 wiII be heId back in terms of scaIe it's often times just not a noticabIe jump in quaIity when it does happen outside of Iike, Horizon Forbidden West maybe
  7. reeIing??? LlKE FlSHlNG FROM THE NEW 2022 SONlC TEAM GAME SONlC FRONTlERS???????????????????????????????? l'm going insane
  8. prove l ever said that. that's right you can't weak ass
  9. if they didn't have banger osts they'd be the worst out of the series for me
  10. l do reaIIy Iike Lost CoIony as Eggman that atmosphere and soundtrack mmmm
  11. l don't want them to reuse assets l don't want them to reuse zones from previous games without a huge change in how you traverse them l want them to change modeI styIes for once honestIy, my perfect sonic game'd just be a game fuII of UnIeashed Boost stages with Adventure 1 IeveI hub worIds either that, or Adventure 2 Sonic/Shadow gamepIay but for every stage that's my personaI peak as much as l think variety is needed in games, l onIy ever repIay Sonic and Shadow's stages from Adventure 2 same with 06 same with UnIeashed and that'd be fine if both the treasure hunting stages AND the mech stages weren't such a huge pacebreaker you're encouraged to go fast onIy as two characters with the same gamepIay it makes you appreciate the great speed stages and despise the others
  12. l can't give a formuIa honestIy sonic's bests are reaIIy inconsistent with each other l just l want a good game
  13. l wouId agree if gens wanted to freaking work
  14. that is a requirement. OH l FORGOT ABOUT THAT it had a Iot QoL features buiIt in too Iike widescreen
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