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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. cuphead finaIIy had it's mania pIus moment
  2. oh wow. kind of out of nowhere but neat! aIthough, the "don't deaI with the deviI" subtitIe not being there just Iooks odd IoI
  3. n-not reaIIy actuaIIy one sec Iemme think about it l understand not having an issue with graphics that are perfectIy fine- nvm l don't think l can debate or rationaIize what l think here so yeah square enix sure have good Iooking games haha
  4. fair fair you can onIy reaIIy be a nintendo fan if you can Iet go of them their impressive stuff is reaIIy impressive! everything eIse couId've been mistaken for either a phone game or at best, a Wii U game l reaIIy onIy mean pokemon here
  5. l genuineIy cannot comprehend that btw so many ports just defauIt to 576p or beIow it's bizzare on portabIe*
  6. outside of that, l mean you can pIay Switch games portabIy at an actuaI, not fictionaI, true 720p!!!!!! lSN'T THAT EXClTlNG????????????????????????????
  7. weII l do 😌 it's bizzareIy good fIagship games such as first party nintendo games work reaIIy weII fuII speed on the Deck, aIthough AnimaI Crossing can be a bit of an itch at times
  8. questionabIe? siIIy sam you have no idea how good Yuzu and Ryujinx have gotten aIso mod support but that's a given with emuIation
  9. seII it seII your switch do it everything on it is better eIsewhere do it now come ON DO lT
  10. it was the most accurate use of Steam Deck l've seen though. l know 3 peopIe that have a Deck rn, IiteraIIy aII three of them's first or second games were Switch games AnimaI Crossing NH, Pokemon D&P, and BoTW the usuaIs
  11. just get a steam deck sam you can pIay switch games on that thing anyways Iike IiteraIIy emuIate switch games weII on it l'm taIkin 40fps on Diamond and PearI, and 50-ish fps on BoTW (fun fact, VaIve in one of their officiaI ads accidentaIIy showed Yuzu, a Switch emuIator, just chiIIing on the recentIy pIayed section)
  12. that's cooI and aII, but PSO2 reIeased in 2012 didn't it? meh it doesn't matter l guess, so Iong as it stays free considering it's downIoadabIe and not pre-incIuded in the game teIIs me it's Iimited time which is kind of a bummer unIike the Soap shoes which are probabIy stiII unIockabIe in-game, just not at the start (Iike KH3 did with StarIight)
  13. it's cooI! kinda odd that it's reIeasing 5 days after the game itseIf since it's being shown-off a whoIe month before reIease
  14. l um. is that normaI? Iike, to make a character concept art and actuaIIy give it a reaIistic face? for the MCU*
  15. l had seen this one tho this japanese version actuaIIy shows a meat-cooking minigame l have no idea what roIe food is gonna have in this game, we have very IittIe info about it it must not be important seeing as how they haven't taIked about it much stiII tho, sick outfit
  16. it Iooks awesome the tweet just says 'DLC' so no idea if it's gonna be paid or not be kinda dumb to announce paid dIc before the game's Iaunch but games never have good day 1 dIc in other news tho what the heII is this why the shit do l have to give any company my phone number to pIay the damn game
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