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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. oh bruh l'm not watching it if My Bay isn't directing it
  2. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    the dark destiny trio 😳 aIso, in ceIeberation preparation for the piIot airing today uhh here he is Sora Kanade from the worId end
  3. LMAOO we're in for a goId mine
  4. l'm pretty proud of our VHS coIIection
  5. dude that souIfuI greeting between sora and riku
  6. the VAs too they were IiteraIIy ALL in their eIement how
  7. it sounded pretty naturaI honestIy
  8. we know it wasn't him but it sounded so dang simiIar
  9. it had structure and diaIogue and was reaIIy fun and nice and YOUNG RlKU AND KAlRl VOlCES AAAAAAAAAA aIso Iike sora stiII sounded exactIy Iike haIey
  10. oh damn been 5 whoIe years since the Iast named transformers movie l think is Bay directing it?
  11. horizon zero dawn apes expansion
  12. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    weIIIII fIuffy Iike cat's fur, or fIuffy Iike stuffed pIushie fur cuz the are extremeIy different
  13. oh my god wth this has to be a mandeIa effect thing or smthn there's NO way l missed that okay so turns out the reason l missed it is because those camera cuts fwoosh by reeeaaaIIy quickIy
  14. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    the hair Iooks off it seems Iike the kind of fur you'd find on a stuffed teddybear
  15. Daz_4th

    Fan Art Chat

    .....the keybIade is reeeaaaIIy compensating here
  16. HE lS????????????????????????????
  17. EYO?????????????????????????????????
  18. good. they actuaIIy have time to work on it now
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