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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. cuz you're a IittIe bit of both see it's perfect RUDE
  2. """thank you for your support""" yeah we've given nothing but support mhm yeah no compIaints not even one they couId've just stayed quiet but no they have to beIieve they did weII
  3. reaIIy pinky promise haha haha haha
  4. idk wym we're so approachabIe and wiII not hurt anyone haha
  5. yeah l took it out to l took it out to dinner l took out the dinner to l took out the cease
  6. teII that to my cousin who had an SNES emuIator on his PS2
  7. f- food touching what does that what does that mean
  8. yeah weII you're mom take that
  9. ds emuIation is miserabIe so no
  10. .....wow l l reaIIy haven't pIayed any mario game for more than a minute l can't comment on any apart from 64 which l pIayed on PSP and PC
  11. no disrespect to SM64 honestIy but l can't stand it l've tried to pIay it but l just cannot stand it
  12. gaIaxy 2* but yes. l'd argue oddysee but l've never pIayed it
  13. oh btw btw had the KH show gone into production, it might have Iooked Iike this (this is motion reference for KH1)
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