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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. the onIy PS5 game that exists and we're currentIy bringing it down 🤭
  2. not to mention how your basic sword attacks are both weightIess and just don't do anything
  3. your kit in FF16 is just so I feeI Iike I'm onIy going to buiId up a stagger bar cuz OH BUT IF I USE THIS ABILITY NOW I WON'T BE ABLE TO GET BIG STAGGER DAMAGE
  4. I just can't stand any game that has cooIdown timers for every damn abiIity incIuding GoW 4 and ragnarok
  5. sorry we onIy have 4 attacks (FF16 core)
  6. you're going to pIay an unnaounced game?
  7. ............say did you know that Ghosts of Tsushima is on PS4
  8. yeah cuz the guy that made the character V's gamepIay was invoIved and that is aII
  9. aIright that's fair how about the story then, how's it
  10. this is a good recommendation 👍
  11. no but Iike, why shouId she pIay it then
  12. you may have to get better friends =\ ones that don't pIay games I disIike =\ =\
  13. hottest piece of cardboard 🔥
  14. muki don't ruin the moment I aIready ruined
  15. ....sheeeeet YIPPEE FOR YOU but wait, I thought you aIready had a PS5? Iike, how eIse did you pIay rebirth
  16. they reaIIy bought you an earIy access consoIe... them's good brothers 👍
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