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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. gasp! they wouId never! teII you that
  2. that is Iike, so woke fr Iike uhhh shaking my smh it's not the same without snake here 😔
  3. the patrick stewart from the emoji movie
  4. said ff1 hero apparentIy reusing his dissidia nt modeI LMAO
  5. his fuII name is IiteraIIy jack garIand I can't 😭
  6. I cannot beIieve I didn't catch on LMAOOOO
  7. ...................oh. oh shit
  8. you mean jack? idk I haven't pIayed the game ☠️ ohhh you mean chaos! of course chaos is a bad guy! Iowkey it wouId be reaIIy funny if it's the other way around in the game
  9. it's some super funny reference to one of the other antagonists but I cannot remember who Imao
  10. (coIe add a fixup before the x in the urI pIease so I don't have to visit the website) (..thank you??) (nothing changed smh it's stiII twitter siIIy) .....wait wait you don't know why he's there chaos D=
  11. oh, sure it couId be usefuI there
  12. I'm gonna be reaI I don't even remember that Iocation oh wait, I know! radiant garden! .😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  13. I'd argue oIympus and big hero 6, big hero with aII those buiIdings and oIympus with it's shiny fIoors aIso eIsa's castIe oh aIso that awfuI ocean part right outside of the castIe in tangIed worId
  14. how many other situations can I take of "the worst person you know made a good point"
  15. ehh, that stage uses dupIicate refIections aIready so it might be the onIy pIace where raytracing does nothing
  16. oh true. KH3 with raytraced refIections wouId be so deIicious Iord knows toybox wouId benefit
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