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Everything posted by venommob12

  1. Most beatmania and ddr type ones usually are, my sister is a hardcore fan of the genre, her favorite currently is the Djmax series, ofcourse she loves MoM as well.
  2. Yeah in my big brother's generation, it was vampire hunter d, street fighter 2 the motion picture, ghost in the shell, ninja scroll etc.
  3. Yeah same😆 before that was sailor moon, and after those two is was basically pokemon and digimon, then naruto
  4. Aerith in Remake is actually an
  5. Oh gotcha, yeah I have a feeling Yoshida will probably go with this approach when he said he was going to make a game that will remind everyone of how the originals were, in that sense yes each one is a self contained story and world. Although some exceptions were made, there was a like two sequels to FF4.
  6. Yeah BC was in an episodic fashion
  7. If you mean like turned based, well in the future maybe but not like the traditional ones in the past, it's going to be streamlined like Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch, FF12, 14. Overall not a bad thing makes the battles look seamless and real-time like an arpg, move around in battle, avoid spells and attacks all the while taking turns that isn't in a sluggish manner
  8. All I know so far is Gackt has a real estate business in Singapore😆
  9. Basically a love child of Ninja Scroll and Berserk almost, Wolf is basically Jubei Kibagami and Guts rolled into one character just alot more stoic, maybe a little bit of Rikimaru thrown in
  10. Sekiro is decent, though I think I love Tenchu and Onimusha more though
  11. Integrade brought alot of amazing surprises to the plate in more ways than one
  12. They might do it for when part 3 rolls out for DoC and BC, you may never know because time truly is a funny thing actually especially with plans, they change overtime
  13. Its pretty much it's own compilation just like Ivalice Alliance, Fabula Crysallis, and FF15 Universe. Ofcourse I'm starting to wonder if SoP FF Origin will mark the start of creating it's own compilation game series later for FF1 universe
  14. Indeed, that explains it all there😆
  15. I felt like games like the Musashi reboot had the worst end of the stick, from then on Really, that's pretty wild
  16. Felt FF12 didn't suffer this though, it turned out good
  17. Square management and executives were pretty bad during that time, especially with decision making, another reason why 15 suffered
  18. FF13-2 improved alot over the first Lightning Returns was great in its own way, despite the awkward story, but overall the gameplay felt like an evolution of 12 a little bit
  19. Each one is its own a standalone story and world while keeping the overall theme
  20. Yeah both employ similarly, just Dragons Dogma had the party chatter like 15, but in DnD tongue
  21. Dragons Dogma had open world, but man the random encounters and quests make you forget about the bland environment like an mmo
  22. It's going to be like 14 and 12, just big expansive zones while not being open world for 16
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