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Everything posted by venommob12

  1. It's an alright trilogy give or take, where I think a percent of the hate is not neccessarily warranted to it or makes any sense in that matter, among other stuff during that time
  2. Possibly the only movie currently that feels like pure cinema according to people that watched it
  3. It was alright, it didn't turn out as bad as everyone made it sound like it isn't really, and I read the manga and watched the 2003 anime series Yeah the new voice can be a bit offputing at times
  4. I wasn't expecting anything or have any high hopes for this show before it came out, but I guess the wait was worth it, it's truly a good presentation and has an impressive budget that rivals with Disney plus shows, the writing is actually pretty good and character portrayals is just as good as the Peter Jackson ones, a very rare thing to see this day and age
  5. Not physically, because using physical flames is practically suicide🤣
  6. Flames of passion and determination, the most hardest ones to acquire on a spiritual level
  7. Heh heh yes now imagine if they pulled off a handsome squidward on Pete😆
  8. So a nightmarish counterpart to Dearly Beloved
  9. Probably implemented as a boss fight event finisher
  10. Fun fact the voice actor for Adam in Automata is the same one who voices Jack Ruthford in CV
  11. EDF... or as Yorha in Automata puts it "Glory to Mankind"
  12. Well for me its the annihilation and genocide of giant alien cyborg frogs and heavily armored greys while killing space god while destroying public property with out any remorse
  13. That would be a nice surprise wouldn't it
  14. It's probably going to be saved last as a surprise, maybe it will announce around the same time as the animated kids series, similarly promoted to how TWEWY did with NEO and TWEWY the Animation
  15. Yeah it doesn't have a booth but awkwardly enough it's still part of TGS according to the lineup on their website https://www.jp.square-enix.com/tgs22/eu_na/lineup/
  16. Interesting trivia, he does know how to utilize mechanics
  17. Yes, a very smart move on their end Yeah that one was fun
  18. I guess I'm the only one that actually cares about D3 publisher at tgs because of earth defense force and oneechanbara😂
  19. I guess so, maybe we will start off in the Ewok village?
  20. I mean I haven't touched Genshin yet, and I might get Sonic Frontiers later but right now I can't wait for this game to finally hit the west
  21. Hocus Pocus themed world in KH, now that's an awesome idea
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