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Everything posted by venommob12

  1. I think they will keep some of the code names, but it would be funny joke for Morgana's American counterpart for CAT
  2. Probably they might go for that One Piece LA casting style with diversity😂
  3. It will probably have atleast one Japanese cast member, I bet
  4. Hmm are they going to pull a Sonic the Hedgehog LA approach with it I wonder🤔
  5. Cool something else to look forward too besides MHR Sunbreak next month Same here
  6. Combat really reminds me of Godhand on ps2 with the over shoulder and dodge mechanics, but very solid in its own way, can't wait to play Ragnarok next
  7. My Nephew and I loved Unleashed
  8. Well it kind of does remind me of the first Sonic Adventures game alittle bit in that scope, but keeping my expectations low until I actually play it
  9. Well I'll try it out, I'm not expecting anything positive or negative from it, I'll either get an enjoyable experience or a mediocre one, it's between the two, as far as graphics go yeah I don't know I've seen alot games now a days getaway with the not so good graphics call card and get high praise still
  10. Don't really have much of a love/hate relationship with Sonic currently so, I'll take a gander and try out Frontiers Generally more excited for brand spanking new Ape Escape game then anything else, but that won't happen anytime soon
  11. Heard they trying to ban them here in California actually
  12. Honestly I happy I'm investing in getting a Switch than ps5 atm, there are some good titles on that one atleast too
  13. Thanks, I know they will release a budget friendly model later down the line so no need to rush it👍
  14. I work for it, unfortunately alot of it goes to medical and living expenses☹️
  15. Yeah Vaio were great, too bad they discontinued them
  16. Wouldn't mind Sony going back to making laptops, those were great
  17. Same here, I don't think I can afford the current model for ps5, gonna wait for possible budget friendly slim version for me
  18. Somehow this really reminds me of HJO when he voiced in the live action adaption of The Country Bears😁
  19. Yup just with Disney and Square legally involved🤣
  20. From my understanding he has been for a long time, he's like the dungeon master
  21. I always thought Yuffie has brown eyes, black hair oh well, she doesn't look too bad with grey eyes though
  22. Mhm it was quite an unexpected surprise really
  23. Like how they got Krystal's voice actor from Star Fox Adventures to do a voice over for a HalfLife 2 mod with Krystal in it?
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