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Everything posted by venommob12

  1. 2 was weird a little, not as bad as 8 in gameplay but yeah
  2. He is tragic actually, revenge and everything but overall very tragic
  3. Yeah it was good for what it was, but the development process is what kind of killed it too
  4. Party banter was the highlight in 15, that's all I can say that made it worthwhile
  5. 15 was okay, it's a little better than 8 atleast, not perfect ofcourse
  6. Awkwardly enough I played 9 first then 7,6,8
  7. Kefka in 6 remake looks like dc joker🤣
  8. 10 was so and so for me, but it was basically FF Flash Gordon
  9. Want to bet the new endgame area for part 3 will be completely different then the one on og disc 3
  10. Same, I thought for the most part they were actually decent, even more so then IGN
  11. He was brought up crisis core didn't he🤔
  12. Its faithful to an extent even with additionals to the OG story
  13. The cat, he will be riding on top of a giant robot moogle later
  14. That would be cool actually, it might be like Atlantica in KH 2 where it's a musical session
  15. So the guy who voiced Shiba in the english version of NEO Twewy is voicing Genesis, I never would have guessed, it really didn't sound like him in the trailer
  16. Yep, it's very obscure up until now, I still have the classic vhs tape of it a couple other examples are Willie the Operatic Whale and Lambert the Sheepish Lion, but like Prince and the Pauper, this one is now on Disney plus, however Willie isn't still
  17. Don't worry my sister doesn't quite understand it either, ofcourse neither do I Yeah I saw the Bleach one, it was good
  18. I'm a bit borderline concerned with it might approach it similarly to Blumhouse's Fantasy Island but we'll see, wasn't really a big fan of Deathnote to be honest I was more into Bleach and Yuyu Hakusho
  19. You want another example of Disney obscure, try The Prince and the Pauper starring Mickey Mouse and Peter and the Wolf
  20. I love MoM but then I love beatmania and djmax, oh I can't choose it's too heartbreaking, I love em all
  21. "So hey Donald, how does Peking Duck special sound😈 " "WAAGH!! Nooo!!!"😱
  22. I feel like despite some UI and HUD changes its going to be a trip down memory lane for me just with the new voice overs, I'm definitely getting this and GBF Relink
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