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Everything posted by venommob12

  1. Not surprising if it turns out that's where the inspiration for her new look came from, seeing how the very first season they took some inspiration from other anime like Evangelion
  2. Right on, they have detail down to resemble it close to the Saban era one just with different costume and look
  3. Right I know, it could be longer than that actually, plus I wonder if 2024 will be the better choice because they can possibly release it with FF7R-2 in that same year
  4. Oh I'm off my bad😂 so 2019 -2023 yeah mirrors it completely almost by 1 year more
  5. So like KH3 was 2017 with Remind releasing around 2018 then so yeah almost mirrors it if KH4 releases holiday 2023 by 6-7 year span
  6. Right it just mirrors with how KH1 was released and how KH2 was released not long after, you count 2002 then like 2005 year range
  7. Yes like December 2023, if not round January- February 2024 time scale
  8. 2024 earliest for my guess, I know it won't take as long as 3, but at the sametime I think next year will be more or less too soon of a release, unless they gauge it on holiday 2023
  9. Just finished watching the Season 2 premier of Primal, good two episodes too
  10. I'm actually getting predator one vibes from it
  11. Yeah I love how the current Persona currently handles things, just it's sad that if you bring up something like SMT some people will have no clue what they are and how they are connected to Persona at one point
  12. Well the SMT narrative isn't neccessarily one of its strong points, but it's dark tone and setting is what sets it apart from other jrpgs at the time. P3 just started the trend of giving it more life to that earlier concept, in sense it's a good move
  13. But overall I think appeal is understandable, I mean I didn't care much about Fromsoft Soulslikes in general, but definitely got hooked on Bloodborne and afterwards. So for SMT/Persona case it's going have something that seems to be a bit more appealing to one crowd then the main one
  14. Well atleast from 3-5 perhaps but not 1-2, but overall I just noticed it got more anime-ish by when 3 rolled out
  15. But that's about it really, some SMT games like Digital Devil Saga have the daily life system
  16. Because it's darker and less anime-ish
  17. Sadly yeah,😔 The first SMT I was exposed to was the one with Raidou, and the 3rd one where DMC 2 Dante was a guest character/partymember
  18. Shin Megami Tensei, the parent series
  19. I think after completing the first world, either land of dragons or beast's castle
  20. They usually go by their initials CBU3, but you know hehe
  21. Another interesting fact was Nomura had inspiration from when he visited Disney's Animal Kingdom, but also didn't have much faith in the project at first, he literally thought it was going to be a train wreck and would ultimately fail, a financial disaster. But in the end results turned out different and that's how we got the franchise that we know today
  22. I think a real shocker is if they gave CC2 a second chance but to do it with 9R
  23. Most definitely, medieval settings are their specialty, so they will naturally feel right at home with doing 9R
  24. Most likely case, because they already got a lot on their plate
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