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Everything posted by venommob12

  1. Awkwardly enough Nightmare Creatures 2 has patient monsters both in male and female variety like in Bloodborne
  2. I play Cross Code because it reminds me of Zelda/Dot Hack hybrid but yeah the fandom I totally blacklist alongside DS and MH fandom never been involved with them. Hmm have you heard of a game series called Nightmare Creatures, it's very similar
  3. Well... it sort of makes sense like a majority of the 90-day fiance fandom are female, same goes for the other TLC shows really on Discovery Plus. But like I clearly don't understand the HBO side because it can appeal to more than one gender. Eitherway I'm not sure how to look at this, especially from all angles or what demographic they are aiming at mostly, like the heavy movie hollywood goers or the slice of life reality groups
  4. Wow this fiancial plan, I don't know what to think besides well nothing too exciting really. Like don't know if this move is supposed to be like how Disney acquired National Geographics but like it feels handcuffed in comparison
  5. I mean I heard she did well in AHS so who knows, she might do well as Harley Quinn Because there is actual dialogue and cutscenes being relayed between characters where areas, most Fromsoft games just have maybe spoken to dialogue and it just ends with a "hehehe" shortly after
  6. And just when my mom was really loving Raised by Wolves too On the other hand my mom likes watching TLC drama reality stuff but like not as much genre shows, she rather watch those if there are any
  7. Wow they actually still have material for another season for Riverdale, huh who would have thought
  8. Yeah that's what I kinda meant in a way, since they are folding into Discovery, they aren't going to be able to do heavy competition with the likes of Disney Plus, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime now as they originally had planned.
  9. Well in other words they can't neccessarily compete with other streaming services as much really as they originally planned Oh my gosh , Square Enix is finally making their own Dark Crystal videogame👀
  10. Yeah we might have to take it for of grain of salt for now, from a business standpoint it really doesn't make any sense despite the merger.
  11. Or are they 2 separate series I'm confused
  12. That's what I meant Yugioh Zexal 5DS
  13. Right, awkwardly enough we were discussing that on an official adult swim server and apparently the source might not be legit one The person spreading it tends to have a history of making false reports, but they did say take it for a grain of salt for now
  14. WB and DC has had alot of controversial stuff going on recently so yeah, sucks for the production team being involved in the mess
  15. Yeah... that from what I read but on a different news site, SYFY Wire I think
  16. Tv series getting shelved, I think from what I read
  17. Yeah at the time of Vanilla 2, there wasn't much to go by after KH1 Final Mix or so we thought
  18. Definitely was rewatching few episodes yesterday
  19. Right... I'm just going to rewatch Saturday morning cartoon blocks in my collection along with old school evening tv blocks to keep my sanity in check
  20. I have an iPhone but like I think it's a bad move entirely to make because iPhone interface isn't as user friendly as Android phones. Personally I think they would have invested in making something like the ps5 equivalent of Switch lite but no, what did they do, THIS
  21. It's going to be glorious, yes
  22. All I can say about Twenty-one Pilots is I love chlorine and little Ned
  23. 🤦 I far less hope humanity now
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