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Albert last won the day on December 13 2024

Albert had the most liked content!

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  1. Story mostly. I like games with good gameplay, but if story not clicking with me I'll probably drop it after 10-15 hours. I also tend to be more forgiving to companies and series that I'm familiar with, hence why I'm still here
  2. Kingdom Hearts 4, obviosly. It's not gonna happen, but I want to believe. FF9 Remake would be cool. Also not gonna happen
  3. Does anyone know when exactly CBT will start?
  4. Hi Albert! Just to let you know I had to remove your post in the recent JK Rowling thread (the Russian language one) since it was a quoting a spam post that we had to take down earlier. You didn't do anything wrong but just wanted to let you know what happened there!

    1. Albert


      I figured that could happen. Thanks for notifying!

  5. Drive forms or Formchanges? It's hard to choose between this two. I think I go with Formchanges, because they beat Drive forms by numbers and can be switched during battle
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