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Everything posted by Billy193

  1. Billy193


  2. Billy193


  3. Honestly, I expect very little new cutscenes. I expect like 20-30 min of new cutscenes, and then a bunch of recap cutscenes. Something like the cutscenes we had on the original DS version of Days. Those recap videos are an opportune moment for me to catch up my cousins on KH, as theyve only dabbled in the story with KH3, but seem to really like the gameplay of Melody of Memory
  4. Im gonna get it on PS4 because thats where I keep all my 100% trophies for KH games
  5. Is proud mode worth it? I'm a player who just got into the game 3 months ago. Now I'm one of the top 3000 of my union. I had to grind through Proud Mode to get keyblades and those keyblades are the real goal of Proud Mode. You'll at least need them to do better in PVP mode.
  6. Indeed I too am excited for the KH3 soundtrack. Although I am sad because I'm going to have to get used to calling the tracks by their official names and not their fan made names. I'll have to forget about "Key To All" and call it "Dark Domination" instead. Honestly, some fan made names are absolute fire!
  7. I must say, I am enjoying this younger Eraqus. He's much more refreshing than his older counterpart. I hope they show a reason why he became more serious as he got older
  8. Yeah Pluto is definitely a mystery in the series, but he is a welcome mystery
  9. So glad you establish these rules, because I absolutely hate it when Im spoiled for any game. I found out who the final boss in KH3 was because of a youtube video icon. I'm blown away why people feel compelled to put spoilers in their video icons.
  10. Sure do. And for KH2 and KH3, I spent extra time to make what I call "perfect accounts" where I max out Sora's stats. Hey, I see you're one of the top 10 people in leaderboard for the MoM giveaway. Me too. May the best man win
  11. Yeah! I love taking those recordings whenever I do something significant in KH, like the moment I get all the trophies or beat the game for the first time.
  12. I'm not here to start fights. I don't want to argue anymore about whether KH3 was good or not. I just want to see if anyone feels the same as I do. In the year before KH3's release, my passion for the series was unparalleled. Keep in mind I never looked up any opinions on the internet regarding KH. My perception on KH was shaped by my own experience with the games and my brief discussions with friends who were also fans. My perception was that it was a charming, memorable series with an almost sacred-like aura behind it. Then I began to take part in the fandom online and it elevated my love for the series. The community was one of the most passionate and kindest I've ever seen and it was wild seeing everyone's reactions to new KH3 trailers. At this time, the community helped me recognize the flaws and memes of KH (odd dialogue choices, combat flaws, derp faces, etc). This didnt make me love the series any less, just look at it in a more fun, humorous light. Then KH3 happened. I kept off the internet the entire time I played it. I won't tell anyone whether I loved it or hated it, I'm not looking to start arguments here. I will say that when I discovered how it split the KH community, I was heartbroken. Each side argued their points religiously, and from their criticisms I began to see that the flaws of the series were more apparent than I thought. In addition, I began to be exposed to the general populace' perception of KH (outside the fandom, from just normal gamers). I learned the truth that many saw KH as a joke. With half the fandom criticizing KH, and the general online populace making fun of everything all around, I began to feel self conscious about KH. I still loved KH, but now I felt it was something to hide away. I admit, now that its flaws are more apparent to me, I enjoy it slightly less because now I cringe at scenes where KH is at its most meme-able. All in all, although I am still a fervent fan to the series, I now feel embarrassed about sharing that to others. Has anyone else felt this crisis of faith?
  13. My favorite Phase 1 movie would be Thor. I wasn't too big of a fan on Captain America (although I adore the sequels). Iron Man is great too but I'm a fan of high magic fantasy which is why I favor Thor
  14. Yup I randomly found this too. I thought the community might have known about it already but I guess I was wrong. Such a strange video that came out of nowhere
  15. I'm new to posting on KH13 (and forums in general). I see the leaderboard that you speak of. But I also notice that in the actual forums, on the left side of people's posts, they have points on there (seen as +8 points or whatever). Are these points the same as the ones for the contest? Because some people have over +100 points. However, on the leaderboard, the current high scores go to about +40 points.
  16. One of my biggest regrets was not getting into KHUX when they had the contest to be in KH3. Now I'm fully invested in KHUX and am one of the higher tier players of my union. If I was into the game during the time of the contest, I would have done my darnest to be one of the selected winners
  17. I'll tell you what I did. I pressed the record button on my playstation which saved the last 10 min of gameplay as a video on my PS4. That way, I was able to capture the moment I beat Yozora in a video to relive that moment. A shame that those captured videos do not show any trophies you earn during them.
  18. I just saw the latest update for the songs in MoM. I am pleased to say that the following have been confirmed: Circle of Life Whole New World Beauty and the Beast Let It Go Under the Sea You've got a friend in me (KH3 instrumental)
  19. With Johnny Depp losing his court case, I'm worried about the future of Pirates. I dont think a full reboot is a good idea because Jack Sparrow is the core of the series. However, I do think that spin off movies are viable option. It could be like the movies containing Jack will be like Avengers, and spin off movies will be like the non Avengers movies. Terrible analogy I know
  20. To my knowledge, Brain has not yet been officially revealed as Eraqus' ancestor but he probably is. I dont think Brain ever revealed his keyblade but when he does, I think it will be the Master Defender and that's how we'll learn he is Eraqus' ancestor. My thoughts on the newest chapter of Dark Road? I think they are doing a good job building up Xehanort's fall to the darkness. You can see he's already seeing darkness as a way to maintain order in the world. I think theyre planting the seeds very well.
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