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Everything posted by Limen

  1. you can in system settings for ps4 and controller configs for switch but yeah its dum
  2. i guess i didnt notice in the demo bc i solely did performer and with the full game i just didnt think to try lol
  3. yeahh haha its much better for endurance, accuracy, and general training to get used to shoulder buttons mainly imo
  4. yeah thats def how you get through faster parts in general i use shoulder buttons mainly to attack so i can alternate between em A is only used for triples for me
  5. interesting tidbit as well: all three of these things are recorded separately for your "best score". so you could have a run where you didnt hit All Excellent, but hit all performer notes. In track selection, it'll show your blue glow next to your All Excellent stamp, with your highest number score that could have also been from a separate third run
  6. then with performer mode, theyre scored/kept track of independently om the side. it'll show how many of them you hit, and if you hit them all it has a small blue glow around it
  7. you just get that crisp 9999999 score if you get all rainbows
  8. yeah I've seen a few AEs on field already, dont think I've seen AE on boss yet tho
  9. the fast notes are just that: fast. if you know the rhythm its easy to hit. with boss variant im still having trouble with releasing the holds on time and multitasking with the flicks and stuff lmao like i can do it in performer field songs just fine, idk why the boss fights give me trouble with them lol
  10. opposite here, field is easy for me boss variant is troubling lol
  11. just finished story yesterday so I've been chillin and playing vs most of today. will start working on proud/performer soon tho and then the eventual blindfolds
  12. i havent touched the synthesized songs but im close to that one lol
  13. you mighta just accidentally skipped by it lol i got it as well
  14. there were times in some slow songs he picked where i would still edge out the win by having more rainbow excellents even though i missed some and he had all excellents lol
  15. i beat this guy online 5 times in a row until he picked a slow song and i barely lost. then he figured out my weakness and only chose slow songs lmao still ended up with 13-7 kingdom hearts intensifies
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