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About _OriginalDreamer06

  • Birthday 12/02/2006

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Original Dreamer
  • Gender
  • Website URL
  1. Happy anniversary Kingdom Hearts! Been around for 19 years! And Happy Birthday to the most wholesome boy Sora! https://www.instagram.com/p/CM-
  2. When the new UX stuff gets u inspired
  3. Boom Eyes By me, myself and I
  4. Good morning to the wide discord of KH fanatics
  5. so- uh- last time I posted on here was... interesting. Tried to delete the post, turns out you can't so I'll just repurpose it to a shameless plug of some of my neato KH fanfic! enjoy? Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/OriginalDreamer06/works?fandom_id=43473721
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