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  1. ..,,,n /.,..jkklllllllllok'[ iohllglllhklkyley5ljryhhlrhlhlhlhlnrhkhkbjbbjyyoogkjkc,vcvvv ]]l[[[l;l;lplplplplnk lkjhotri9r9r993999[ttt\rfkdd,xkfewtkglfrefsl;'fevvvvvvvffssswaawweertyuip;//.mfgdwe3455679p
  2. Leveling is also getting wild. One level doesn’t really put much of a difference in these fights. Usually you need a lot more. Which is a concern since even grinding out 2 stars currently is rather slow for the number of BP you need. Granted way faster than 1 Stars.
  3. I’m not sure myself. I’ve been grinding away at KHDR and only just now got consistent with being able to auto Agrabah 2 Stars at lvl 21 I find it interesting you cannot specify what you want to prioritize for the auto battle. It seems to just jump to the “most powerful” card. Even if it’s low health it doesn’t attempt for a heal with a Potion card ever. Nor does it ever use protection cards.
  4. One thing that concerns me about MoM plat.. is that it’s going to be the easiest. Or the dumbest by a long shot. I don’t feel it’ll be anywhere else.
  5. Yea I managed all battlegates already cause that was the easy start. Just going from there has been the pain. I tend to leave something super easy as my last trophy if I can. CoM was the only I didn’t do that for and my sanity was pushed
  6. Just don’t know where to begin finishing the play is all Plat**
  7. Damo I’m gonna have to pick your brain for 3D sometime
  8. Honestly the plat for BBS isn’t bad once you get Terra down. It’s just rise and repeat with better dodge mechanics lol
  9. I’ve tirelessly worked on platting the entire series. BBS was tough but... nothing beats that RIku 99 grind in CoM IMO
  10. The thing that scares me... is I know Small World After All is going to be a song... and instant PTSD is gonna kick in
  11. Oh yea considering the timing looks way more accurate it should be a blast Ice cream beats wasn’t bad.. they just didn’t have the best timing method/indicators. IMO
  12. Considering they have already shown difficulty spikes for their interpretation of rhythm (Ice Cream Beats) it’s almost a guarantee they will have charts that differ by difficulty level.
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