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Everything posted by xion_1589291124

  1. i cant stop sneezing fgjjifdogf
  2. :tu_xionlove: we all love you ! and i hope you get a nice and well-rested sleep, esto !
  3. you have to buy to play and then play a monthly sub fee
  4. i absolutely adore the moogles in 14 .. they're very cute and silly
  5. hehehe the moogle lamps and stuff are so pretty
  6. :xionheart_kaitokeiart: thank you
  7. so I wait to see professionals before Ican do all of that stuff
  8. I kind of cant do a lot. I had a bad tumble down the stairs so im very caredul about overexerting myself because when it hurts its .. zz
  9. im sorry, I sort of can't do much until I see a doctor ):
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