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Everything posted by ㊙__丹ʀᴋɪᴀs一

  1. A sicilian specially, basically ice shards mixed with any drink to your desire
  2. Anyways, here's some homemade granita
  3. My passion about movies is dormant rn
  4. YEEEESSSU I beat data young zebrasnort bois, now for the rest of data xiii
  5. If the virus is still alive, not happening.
  6. I dunno, with the current rules I'd say that might happen AT LEAST in 2021
  7. Worst case scenario, official announcements are gonna get a bit more inconsistent
  8. I agree, e3 is probably gonna be history, but that doesn't mean that game/console reveals are never gonna happen again
  9. What concerns me is that we might not ge able to see another one ever again, if it's true that the virus will last a very long time if not be outright immortal
  10. I dont think i ever went, or probably ever will, go to one The closest i got was a local comics con, it wasnt enormous but it was something
  11. I find it fitting that yozora has etherochromia, with left eye being the same color as sora's, while the right eye is of proto-noctis
  12. I'll give it a look when i finished my daily things, thx
  13. Then it's all set I have a school email, then i guess i have even the minimum requirements
  14. Dunno how to apply that lol, also at this time i dunno how long it'll last
  15. Maybe you can send it on a zip file, i have no problem in organizing my programs
  16. I would love to use Microsoft office, but that would force me to buy 365, maybe ill get an old 2007 version
  17. I miss when i had office on my computer, but OpenOffice is fine for work
  18. Anyways I'm back into kh3, might do some preparation for data battles later
  19. Anyways, i need to go wash the dishes, so see ya later folks
  20. My tip is always start from the alphabet, and then the verbs, it always helps a lot
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