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Everything posted by ㊙__丹ʀᴋɪᴀs一

  1. Best achievement i got yesterday was learning cheats for sonic robo blast 2
  2. I've only been partially deaf cus i had a problem last year cleaning my ears
  3. Inb4 they actually make a kh game on pc (X doesn't fully count)
  4. I'm glad we never got tarzan again, i despised that world
  5. > Kingdom Hearts is gonna save 2020 according to one HMK I disagree, imo 2020 is beyond repair, even if they made kairi a wonderful character
  6. I'd gladly take keyblade hero over "600 quests of finding apu"
  7. @?Snow? tbh they couldn't see her face as they said in the reports
  8. I might be an idiot poopface, but if I'm right... Kairi is subject X
  9. As i was gonna say, i know they can do kairi a better job than i did in my fanfic
  10. But at least i can listen to Roxas' theme on the switch and cry on the bus, if i could go on one
  11. Only nomura can come up with these ideas
  12. I always look at user reviews, i don't trust mainstream reviewers anymore
  13. > ppl have short memories Learned that the hard way
  14. > I don't recognize that acronym Sonic robo blast 2,sry for forgetting what It meant lel
  15. Anyways, i like playing me some good ol' srb3
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