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Everything posted by alyx

  1. I think I have good ones but idk I can't check
  2. I don't really have good accessories, I've never really cared about them that much
  3. Well I can't change my items and I REALLY don't want to do the first 2 fights again
  4. I only have time to get a single combo in before I'm getting hit constantly
  5. This final fight is such bs, the lasers never stop firing at me, never giving me a chance to attack Ansem
  6. I almost got ansem first try on his second phase He had half a bar left ahhhhj
  7. then I guess I'm on the last round
  8. It's on the last piece, but it's been like that forever.
  9. How long does this combat section last?? I've been fighting forever
  10. I'm a level 49 which isn't good for this place
  11. I probably should've leveled more before coming here, I'm getting destroyed
  12. aero is actually making the fire wall survivable, nice dammit I was one bar away
  13. I think I'm level 49 and I'm on khfm (which I think is standard?)
  14. that's what I've been doing, but I sometimes get stuck on his head when he does the fire wall and it kills me
  15. I'm near the end of KH 1, I'm at the End of The World and this place is unbelievably frustrating. I can appreciate a hard game, but not when it just throws countless enemies at you for no reason, I just want to be done with this I keep dying to the big golem dude and it's so firetrucking annoying
  16. I somehow beat this game when I was 8, I have no idea how, I'm having so many problems guess I used my brain more
  17. then I'm thinking of the wrong thing
  18. I'm trying to find out how to destroy it, guess I have to keep exploring
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