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?salsa de frijoles?

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Everything posted by ?salsa de frijoles?

  1. I don't know the exact day or number of the mission, i can't remember. plus my 3ds is dead, so i cant check... but my guess is that im on day 156
  2. yea, i've got those. I have them all linked, i think i have like, 6 of them linked.
  3. ahh , thanks man. so, I can't remember exactly what day im on, but its whatever day that you first go to wonderland, and you have to fight the lurk lizard. I've been watching playthroughs, and i've noticed that other people have bigger health bars for themselves (for roxas). I'm wondering if maybe the game is bugged or something, cause my health bar has NOT grown at all, ever since i started the game.. I also don't know how to level up quicker, i've been stuck on level 9 for a while, and i'm already halfway through the game. and advice?
  4. hey, has anyone here played the ds 358/2 days? I have a question about it
  5. im still stuck on that lurk lizard in wonderland ? ?
  6. huh..... damn, i gotta get out from under my rock
  7. oh shit, i usually just kinda vibe by reading some of the chats, but what the hell is shb? (hope that doesnt sound creepy, but y'all have some interesting conversations)
  8. biggest agreement. I had so much fun beating the shit out of him in hollow bastion.
  9. Same man, I never was able to beat Riku
  10. which one is your mood im bottom right boi >)
  11. also, for anyone out there who's an avatar the last airbender fan, quinton flynn (axels voice) is in a episode called "tales of ba sing se", he tries to mug iroh lol he plays this guy:
  12. hey hi hows it goin bruh did y'all know that the voice of gabumon from the original 90's digimon show is the same voice as Saix lol ;-;
  13. is the movie on amazon video? or is that one of those things where you have to watch it on the playstation , like the 358/2 cinematic?
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