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Everything posted by 0blivion0athkeeper

  1. Re:Coded gameplay was a lot better than 358/2 Days.
  2. They did not add the wardrobe feature for Sora in kh3.
  3. If the Nintendo Switch version of all Kingdom Hearts games met the expectation of Square Enix?
  4. It is the 5th time that they released this game. PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Epic Games Store and now Steam.
  5. Do you people think it was only able to run on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series? Because Call of Duty still releases their game on PlayStation 4. And Call of Duty games take 300 GB.
  6. Is that a self-made game made by someone?
  7. Sega is not very good at these things.
  8. Would you guys like to own a business like Disney? Is it not troublesome to look over everything?
  9. Please be careful. People might use it for a fake profile. Would also advise against it. There are over 100 strangers that you do not know. Of course it is a kingdom hearts server and we all of us love each other but I think it is not a good idea. Would also advise against it. There are over hundreds of strangers that you do not know. Of course it is a kingdom hearts server and we all of us love each other but I think it is not a good idea.
  10. And i thought i might had to visit a doctor for imagening questions that do not exist.
  11. I see. So i did not imagine that.
  12. I almost thought i imagined it.
  13. Was there not a question about Harry Potter?
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